- To offer opinions in a constructive manner and to put forward ideas on behalf of other patients.
- To improve the provision of health care.
- To improve communication between surgery, patients and the wider community about matters concerning the surgery and health in general.
- To provide assistance in development of new services.
- To encourage a spirit of self help and support amongst patients to improve their health and social care.
Patient participation group
The aims of the patient participation group
PPG Suggestion Form
If you have any suggestions that would improve patient services, please complete the feedback form.
This will then be discussed at our next Patient Participation Group Meeting.
Contact our PPG
If you wish to contact The Orchard Medical Practice Patient Participation Group, you can do so by emailing:
This is for suggestions only and not a forum for complaints.
Emails sent to this email address are not monitored daily, please do not use this email for anything urgent.
Zero Tolerance
Helpful Hints
Helpful Hints from the Orchard Medical Practice PPG
On the day appointments – Emergency on the day appointments are bookable from 8:15am. These are for patients with on the day issues that need to be seen that day.
Follow up GP appointments, health reviews, blood tests, nursing and pharmacist appointments, etc. – Patients are requested to call after 11am to book these appointments, this will allow priority to be given to on the day appointment bookings.
Follow up appointments requested by GP/Nurse – Book as soon as you can. Do not leave it to the last moment to book follow up appointments otherwise you may face disappointment, future appointment slots get booked up early.
On-line appointments - There are often GP appointments available online, these are accessible using the NHS App offering a quick and easy access to appointments.
To Cancel your appointment – please cancel appointments as soon as you are able, this will release appointment slots for others to use and avoid wasted medical resources.
Cancelations can be made by phone alternatively by texting the word ‘’CANCEL’’ along with your date of birth to 07985462036 – please DO NOT use this number for any other communication.
Text reminders – if we have your up-to-date contact details and your authority to do so the practice is able to send text reminders of your up and coming appointments.
Contact Details
All patients are requested to ensure their contact details are up to date. Many people move house, change phone, email address, etc. ensuring we have the correct details will enable us to keep in touch, send appointment text reminders, etc. Such details are subject to patient confidentially arrangements
Admin and Support services
The Practice receives many requests for supporting documentation throughout the year. This documentation which might be in support of insurance cover, support of mortgage applications, travel forms and many other patient requirements.
The practice aims to complete and issue requested supporting documentation within 28 days, excluding statutory holidays, from the time full details have been provided by the patient. More complex requirements may take longer particularly during busy periods.
If you have a need for documentation for a specific date, for example travel forms for a holiday, please let us know at time of request. Always apply early and allow at least 28 days processing time.
Note in many cases charges will apply, please enquire prior to making your request.
Drop off arrangements for specimens
Urine samples are collected and dispatched for laboratory testing on the day they are submitted. Samples are dispatched to the hospital on a daily basis Monday to Friday. Tests need to be carried out on fresh samples; consequently samples are not retained at the surgery overnight if they are delivered late by the patient.
The cut off time for receiving samples is 12 midday. Samples received after this time will be destroyed without testing.
Samples must be clearly labelled by the patient with their name and date of birth to ensure results get back to the patient.
Samples must be placed in the designated box in reception. Samples not placed in the designated box are likely to be overlooked and miss the midday collection.